Frequently Asked Questions
What age groups do you have?
We currently have boys teams, birth years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.
What is the cost of tuition and do you offer payment plans?
Tuition packages are released once your child has received an invitation to a roster. Our tuition is competitive to other local clubs and includes the fall, winter and spring. We do offer zero interest payment plans- this is also provided at the time your child receives an invitation to one of our rosters.
What does the tuition include?
FCN tuition includes:
ALL FCN teams are coached and trained by a licensed FCN professional coach. More information on our staff can be found here.
Fall/Spring Practices: All teams that are birth years that fall into U11 and above will have 3 practices a week (1.5 hours per practice) that run from late August through mid-November and resume in April and run through mid-June. Birth years U10 and below will have 2 practices per week, with the same timeframe.
Winter Practices: All teams U11and above will have 2 winter training sessions per week (1 hour each) from the beginning of January through end of March. All teams U10 and below will have one winter training session per week (1 hour each) from the beginning of January through end of March.
All teams will play in the EDP league.All teams will play a combination of home/away games totaling approximately 8-10 games each Fall/Spring season, depending on the number of teams in their assigned division. All games will be fully coached by a FCN professional coach.
All players will receive 3 player evaluations throughout the year. This is a 1:1 meeting with their coach and parent(s) to go over how they felt about their season, concerns and goal setting.
All teams U11 and above will play in at least 2 tournaments, if not more, EDP tournaments when possible and State Cup when qualified. All teams U10 and below will play in at least one tournament per year.
Where are the games and practices held?
Our home field is White Oak Park in Branchburg, NJ. We also utilize other local field locations for practices, that schedule is provided early August. Winter locations are indoor and location is local facilities TBD. Away games tend to be an hour or less away, give or take.
Do we have to purchase a uniform?
Yes, every player is required to purchase a uniform kit for the year. This includes a home and away uniform and practice kit. FCN uniforms are NIKE. Players are also required to have soccer cleats and shin guards. Uniform kits go on sale and have to be purchased in the beginning of the summer.
Can parents sign up as coaches?
Our program is run strictly as a trainer coach model. However, families are still the bedrock of our program. We know that being part of a travel program is an entire family commitment and we take that very seriously. We focus on having family centered events throughout the year to create that unity within our program.
Do we have to fundraise?
Will there be additional costs?
FC Neshanic prides itself on very open communication. Unlike many local programs, we provide you a transparent tuition that encompasses all of our soccer related trainings (FALL, WINTER, SPRING) and FULLY COACH staffed trainings, games and tournaments. The only outside costs include things such as uniforms, spirit wear, team bonding events (ie parties, end of year banquet, Red Bulls games, opportunities for European trainings)